Part three in a series of articles titled “Q&A on M&A Operations Based on Financial Regulations – Guidelines in the Coronavirus Catastrophe -,” written by Takashi Osawa and Yuya Ito, was published in the August 10, 2022, issue (No. 2191) of the Financial Law Journal.
Q&A on M&A Operations Based on Financial Regulations – Guidelines in the Coronavirus Catastrophe –
[Part 3] Alliances with and acquisitions of FinTech companies
1. Recent trends surrounding FinTech
(1) The Financial Services Agency’s responses to FinTech
(2) Trends in/examples of alliances and acquisitions between a financial institution and a FinTech company
2. Trends in legal restrictions concerning FinTech
(1) Major amendments of laws concerning shareholding of FinTech companies
(2) Introduction of a registration system for electronic payment services (Amendment of the Banking Act in 2018)
3. Matters to note in alliances with and acquisitions of FinTech companies
(1) Studies on each method; alliance or acquisition
(2) Matters to note concerning the processes of alliance or acquisition