A “next generation partner” in the Real Estate and Construction practice area in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2022 (January 2022)
Selected in the Real Estate Law practice area in The Best Lawyers™ in Japan 2022 (April 2021)
A “next generation partner” in the Real Estate and Construction practice area in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2021 (January 2021)
Included as one of the next generation lawyers in the Real Estate and Construction practice area in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2020 (January 2020)
Selected in the Real Estate practice area, in The Best Lawyers™ in Japan 2020 (April 2019)
Included as one of the next generation lawyers in the Real Estate and Construction practice area in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2019 (January 2019)
Major Practice Area
Advice and drafting of relevant documents for real estate private funds (including real estate development project and real estate redevelopment project)
Notification to and negotiation with government office regarding the Tokutei Mokuteki Kaisha
Advice and drafting of relevant documents for real estate specified joint ventures, assist clients in applications for permission and approval thereof
Advice and drafting of relevant documents for limited partnerships for investment
Advice, drafting of relevant documents and conducting legal due diligence, for purchase and sale of real estate by REITs
Advice and drafting of relevant documents for loan to REITs (as lenders’ counsel)
Advice and drafting of relevant documents for several kinds of trust structures
Real Estate
Advice and drafting of relevant documents for purchase and sale of real estate
Advice on leasing of real estate
Financial Regulations
Advice on finance-related regulations such as Insurance Business Act and Financial Instruments and Exchange Act
“Model Clauses for Contracts Involving Changes to the Subject Real Estate in Specified Joint Real Estate Ventures” (Value Management Institute, Inc. and Japan Real Estate Institute, October 2020)
“Outline of the Amendment of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on Specified Joint Real Estate Ventures” (ARES Real Estate Securitization Journal, Vol. 52)
“Practical measures for the Amended Real Estate Specified Joint Enterprise Act – in Real Estate Securitization Business” (under joint authorship, Taisei Publishing Co., Ltd., 2014)
Lectures Given
“The Present and the Future of Real Estate Crowdfunding under the Act on Specified Joint Real Estate Ventures (FTK)” (NIHON HOSHOU Co., Ltd., October 26, 2021)