An article titled “Latest Trends in Environmental Laws and Ordinances and Their Influence on Business Operations,” written by Kenji Sarukura, was published.
Business Homu, July 2024 issue (CHUOKEIZAI-SHA HOLDINGS, INC., released on May 21, 2024)
“Latest Trends in Environmental Laws and Ordinances and Their Influence on Business Operations”
I. Intricate environmental laws, ordinances and regulations
1. Numerous environmental laws and frequent amendments
2. Prefectural and municipal ordinances that differ from laws
3. Purport of this article
II. Energy Saving/greenhouse gas reduction
1. Energy Saving Act
2. Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures
3. Environmental Security Ordinance (Tokyo Metropolitan Government)
III. Waste recycling regulations
1. Act on Waste Management and Public Cleaning
(1) Waste reclamation/diversion of unnecessary objects for recycling purposes
(2) Decision on whether or not to treat as waste
(3) Required procedures for outsourcing waste treatment
2. Plastic Resource Circulation Act
IV. Regulations for manufacturing and managing chemical substances
1. Act on the Assessment of Releases of Specified Chemical Substances into the Environment and the Promotion of Management Improvement
(1) PRTR/SDS regulations
(2) Regulation by municipal ordinances
2. Act on the Regulation of Manufacturers and Evaluation of Chemical Substances (Chemical Substances Evaluation Act)
3. Industrial Safety and Health Act
V. Measures against environmental contamination by hazardous substances
1. Asbestos-related laws and regulations
(1) Responsibilities of the person who orders building demolition work
(2) Amendment to the Air Pollution Control Act and the Ordinance on Prevention of Health Impairment Due to Asbestos
2. Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act
(1) Filing requirements under laws and regulations
(2) Regulation by municipal ordinances 3. Unregulated hazardous substances in soil and water (such as PFAS and asbestos)