Host: Business Research Institute
Date: Monday, May 16, 2022, 13:00 – 17:00
Venue: Seminar room at Business Research Institute/Online
Basic Knowledge of the Personal Information Protection Act and the My Number Act for Newly Appointed Personnel
~ Basic outlines of legal systems necessary for business operations ~
1. Personal Information Protection Act
1) What is “personal information”?
(i) Are business cards and security camera footage personal information?
(ii) Operations involving the handling of “sensitive personal information”
2) Regulations and practical operations concerning the “collection” of personal information
(i) The meaning of “specifying” the purpose of use “as explicitly as possible”
(ii) Cases where “public disclosure” is insufficient and an “explicit statement” is required
3) Regulations and practical operations regarding the “use” of personal information
(i) Cases where the purpose of use can be changed
(ii) What is “prohibition on inappropriate use”?
4) Operations to “keep and manage” personal information
(i) What are safety control measures? (Matters to note when storing information in a foreign country under the amended Act)
(ii) Supervision of outsourced companies (What should be incorporated into the outsourcing contract?)
(iii) Cases where reporting/notification is required in the event of information leakage or other incidents
5) Practical operations concerning providing information to third parties
(i) Cases where the consent of the principal is required and cases where such consent is not required
(ii) Information sharing by way of outsourcing and shared use
(iii) Rules governing the provision of information to a third party in a foreign country and the amended Act
6) Responses to requests for disclosure by a principal (points on the amended act)
7) Basics of “pseudonymized information” and “anonymized information”
8) Rules governing the handling of “individual-linked information” under the amended Act
2. My Number Act
1) What is the My Number System?
(i) What are My Number, Specified Personal Information, and Corporate Number?
(ii) My Number Card and Notification Card
(iii) Differences between the My Number Act and the Personal Information Protection Act
2) Situations where it is necessary to refer to My Number data
(i) Procedures concerning national and local taxes
(ii) Procedures concerning social insurance
3) Operations to collect My Number data
(i) Notification of the purpose of use, etc.
(ii) Identity verification (handling of the “statement for (changes of) tax deduction for dependents, etc.”)
4) Information management related to My Number
(i) Safety control measures
(ii) Supervision of outsourced companies
5) Providing My Number data
(i) Providing My Number data to a company to which an employee is seconded or transferred (amendments)
6) Disposition of My Number data
(i) When to dispose of My Number data
(ii) My Number data of spouse and other family members who have ceased to be dependents