Available Period: Monday, May 16, 2022, 10:00 – Thursday, June 16, 2022, 17:00 (Sign-up Deadline: Monday, June 6, 2022)
Venue: Online
Quantitative Risk Analysis Based on the Study of Specific Cases of Scandals and Practical Examples – Presentation of Scandals That Caused Serious Situations and Measures Taken –
Part I. Case Study Based on Recent Scandals
1. Data fabrication, food fraud, inferior quality
2. Embezzlement/bribery at overseas subsidiaries/group companies
3. Violation of business laws/disguised ukeoi contract, etc.
4. Inappropriate SNS/blog postings
5. Inappropriate treatment of environmental contamination/waste
6. Power harassment (excessive guidance)
Part II. Review of Crisis Management Systems and Practical Actions Taken by Other Companies
1. Keys to in-house training (introduction of quantitative risks based on specific cases and establishing a sense of ownership)
2. Specific methods for the early detection of misconduct (practical actions taken by other companies regarding inspection/whistleblowing, etc.)
3. Investigation of exposed misconduct (formation of an investigation team, possible legal assessment issues, etc.)
4. Failed cases of responses to exposed misconduct (prevention of further damage, compensation, responses to governmental authorities/investigative agencies)
5. Disclosure/publication of misconduct (failed cases of press release/explanatory meeting/press conference/shareholders’ meeting)
6. Treatment of officers, etc. (practical examples of criminal accusation/claim for damages (derivative suit)/assumption of responsibility/pay cuts, etc.)
7. Preventive measures/review of compliance systems (general overview)
8. Points in dealing with overseas issues (investigation of overseas subsidiaries, introduction of global whistleblowing systems, etc.)
Many recent cases of misconduct and scandals occurred despite the existence of a whistleblowing system or in-house training because such system or training did not function effectively. It is evident that internal systems and in-house training are meaningless if they are impractical or ineffective. There are also many cases that resulted in serious situations where not only employees but also directors and other officers came to assume liability for massive compensation and were forced to resign from their offices. As it is difficult to have crisis awareness in peacetime, it is extremely important for all employees to realize, as their own responsibility, “how tragic the outcome of a scandal can be.” In this seminar, the lecturer explains, based on recent scandals, who would assume what responsibilities, what actions taken after the revelation of misconduct would result in failures, and what are the problems of the current framework/systems, based on examples of measures taken by other companies for reviewing the systems, with a presentation of failed cases and quantitative risks. For the sake of expedience, case studies are explained by business category and by type of scandal; however, they are applicable to all business types.