As described in the System Development section, there is often “information asymmetry” between the user company and the vendor company in system development. The user company that entrusts system development to a vendor may have little knowledge and knowhow of information technology, while the vendor company that undertakes system development may have little knowledge about the growing complexities in operations of the user company.
In litigation, it is first necessary to gain the court’s understanding of the above-described premise, and then to carefully unravel what happened on both the user side and the vendor side in each case.
Another characteristic of system development-related litigation is that documentary evidence submitted to the court is often written in technical terms and based on concepts that are understandable only to those with specific knowledge in the field. There are also cases where documents are written in English when overseas vendors are involved.
U&P has a great deal of experience in dealing with disputes and litigation pertaining to system/software development for financial institutions, manufacturers, distributors, the service industry, the game industry, etc. Our role is to end the dispute in our client’s favor by making comprehensive and persuasive arguments in applying the law to the particular facts of the case using our depth of experience, legal knowledge and judicial precedent.